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Paula is enjoying her research stay at the ETH-Global Ecosystem Ecology. Crowther Lab (Zürich, Switzerland)


From May to July 2022

Collaboration with Dr. Miguel Berdugo

How is ecosystem multifunctionality affected by changes in biodiversity across different scales and in different habitats? Evaluating Non-linear Functioning-Biodiversity (BEF) relationships.

Considering our preliminary results, which showed land-use was the most important predictor of multifunctionality in Mediterranean ecosystems. We want to design landscape configuration (proportion of land uses, spatial configuration) optimizing both biodiversity and multifunctionality, using predictive maps from Random Forest analysis.

Soraya presents the seminar: Especies exóticas invasoras, biodiversidad y funcionamiento de ecosistemas. Proyecto SIRESME


19th May 2022

This seminar is included in "Seminarios Avanzados en Ecología de la Restauración y Conservación, 2021-2022", organized by the Departament of Ecology  of the University of Alicante. Video:

Santi participates in "IX Jornada de Intercambio de Experiencias de la Red de Espacios Naturales Protegidos"


27th January 2022

Presentation to the staff from all natural parks within the Valencian region about the different studies that we are carrying out at two of these Natural Parks: Font Roja and Mariola. More info: here.

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