COmmunity assembly, biological DIversity and multifuncioNAlity in a global change context

Lab leader
Expert in structural equation modelling and grazing. Not working currently, as she found out that parasitizing a couple of humans was way more efficient, so she runs the lab from home.

Assistant to the true lab leader
I have a range of interests in community ecology from diversity-ecosystem functioning relationships, the effect of grazing pressure, climate or land use on plant diversity, shrub encroachment, restoration of roadsides and mine sites, or the ecology of biological soil crusts. However, most of my research so far has focused on plant-plant interactions, their biotic and abiotic drivers, and their consequences for plant community assembly.

Postdoc researcher-project SIRESME
I perform research applied to the management of protected natural areas: ecology of invasive alien species, biodiversity conservation, adaptive forest management in the face of climate change.

PhD student-project FOBIASS
My research addresses the functional consequences of the loss of biodiversity at multiple scales, tries to understand the mechanisms that explain these effects and evaluates the possible interactions between these changes in biodiversity and two main drivers of the global change: climate change and change in land use. With the aim of applying it to the conservation of ecosystems.
DNEA-the Dryland Nerdy Ecologists Association
​Too many to name, but this amazing amount group of people is a great bunch to do some research in one of the most extended, yet least studied, biomes on Earth. The three spearheads are my mentor and friend Fernando Maestre (, the hilarious and hyper-productive guy from Utrera (, and the chorizo-lover aussie oldie, but goldie ( Science would just not be the same without these people.
Allan & the band
Great lab ( and lots of fun too, now people is scattered all over the place, but always good to catch up and do some stuff together, be it the bugnet network, led by Anne (, some synthesis on the Exploratories (, the Pandiv super-experiment ( or some little games in the greenhouse.
Bioplastic lab
Together with Carlos Sanz and his team ( we do some research on the functional consequences of plastic and bioplastic contaminations on soils and marine sediments.
Piro-paellivorous ecologists
Jaime Baeza, Victor Santana and Aymen Moghli, a trio of researchers that are both great naturalists, hard workers and like to “almorsar como las personas”. Together, we try to understand the effects of fire recurrence, and how much time the forest has to recover, on the supply of services provided by Mediterranean ecosystems.
Other people that makes us crazy in a good way:
The French duo: Nico Gross and Yoann LeBagousse-Pinguet: still not a clear idea about what these two exactly do, but it´s great fun to work and talk science with them.
Werner Ulrich: a Matrix algebra genius and a super-tester of classic biogeographical hypotheses, no matter what you think about, he will be able to do develop a Fortran program to do it!